CHDK callfunc.S r4446
Local copy of revision 4446 from the CHDK project.
For reference from this post
CHDK is distributed under the GPL.
unsigned call_func_ptr(void *func, const unsigned *args, unsigned n_args)
call a function using arguments specified in a buffer
ARM IHI 0042D Procedure Call Standard for the ARM Architecture
ARM DUI 0056D ARM Developer Suite Developer Guide
for information on calling conventions
Note that the latter mentions different calling conventions for variadic and
standard functions, but gcc appears to use the variadic form for all C functions
NO effort is made to follow the rules for values larger than 32 bits as
either arguments or returns. Handling this is up to the caller.
call ARM vararg functions from thumb
construct the argument list at runtime, i.e. for lua
call functions without a stub
Address of the function to call. This may be an ARM or Thumb function
Array of 32 bit words to be treated as arguments to the function.
Per the normal ARM calling convention, bytes or shorts should be promoted to
words before calling.
Ignored if n_args is 0
Number of elements in args
.global call_func_ptr
MOV R12, R0 // function to call
MOV R4, SP // save SP
ADD R5, R1, R2,LSL #2 // end = args + n_nargs*4
RSBS R0, R2, #4 // R0 = 4 - R2
BLO stack_setup
ADD PC, PC, R0,LSL #2 // skip over 4-n_args
NOP // reading PC adds +8
LDR R3, [R5,#-4]! // fourth arg
LDR R2, [R5,#-4]! // third arg
LDR R1, [R5,#-4]! // second arg
LDR R0, [R5,#-4]! // first arg
B do_call // regs done
SUB R2, R2, #4 // number of stack args
SUB R2, R5, R2,LSL #2 // last = src - (n_stack_args)*4
LDR R0, [R5,#-4]! // t=*(--src)
STR R0, [SP,#-4]! // push t
CMP R5, R2
BNE stack_setup_loop // while (src != last)
LDMIA R1, {R0-R3} // if we had any stack args, need to load all 4 regs
BLX R12 // call the function
MOV SP, R4 // clean up stack
POP {R4-R5,LR}